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天宮回返地球China’s first space station, the Tiangong-1 or Heavenly Palace 1, fell back to Earth on April 2nd. The space station was launched in China in September 2011. It was the first step for China towards building large space stations. The space station fell back to Earth and burned up over the South Pacific Ocean. It may seem dangerous for a space station to fall back to Earth, but don’t worry. The roughly 10-meter-long space station seems very big until you compare it to Earth. Most of Earth is covered with water so the chance of Tiangong-1 hitting someone was very low. Many spacecraft have fallen back to Earth and no one has been hurt. .inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }
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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 天宮一號目標飛行器再入大氣層 新華社圖表 分享 facebook 中國打造的第一個太空站—天宮一號,已於4月2日墜回地球。這座原型太空站於2011年9月在中國境內發射進入太空,中國因此踏出建造大型太空站的第一步。回返地球的過程中,天宮一號大部分艙體在南太平洋上空焚燬。太空站墜回地球,聽起來很危險啊!別擔心,天宮一號長10公尺,看似巨大,但跟地球比,絕對是小巫見大巫。地球大面積被海洋覆蓋,因此天宮一號擊中人的機會很小。以前就有很多太空船墜回地球的例子,但還沒有人因此受到傷害。被擊中機率比中樂透還低So how small of a chance was there that something could have hit you? Scientists at NASA say that chance is one in 21 trillion. Compare that to winning the Taiwan Lucky Big lottery—the chance of that is one in just under 14 million. Only one person has ever been hit by space debris, and she was still okay! People were afraid because it was impossible to know exactly where Tiangong-1 would land. Even though scientists can use math to calculate many things, it was very difficult to know where Tiangong-1 would land. That’s because the space station was falling so fast (27,000 kilometers per hour). There were also so many things in space that could have changed where it landed.那麼,被墜落的太空船打到的機會究竟多低?美國航太總署的科學家說,機率約為21兆分之1。這比中大樂透頭獎的機率—1400 萬分之1以下—還低。史上只有一位女性曾被墜毀的太空垃圾打到,但她毫髮無傷。回頭來看天宮一號,人們擔心被打到,是因為無法事前確知它會在哪裡墜落。科學家即使可用數學算出一些數據,也很難精確算準著陸點,原因是,天宮一號墜落極快(速度為每小時2萬7,000 公里)。太空環境裡的各種因素,都有可能改變天宮一號的著陸點。著陸點難以預料If Tiangong-1 had hit someone or something, whose fault would it have been? A rule for this was made in 1972. In 1978, a Soviet Union satellite crashed over Canada. It released a lot of nuclear waste. According to the rule, the Soviet Union was responsible because they launched the satellite. So, if Tiangong-1 had caused damage, China would have been responsible. Tiangong-1 was only in space for about 6 ? (six and a half) years, but it was very important for China’s space agency. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut, visited in 2012. She did medical experiments on the station, then did a special Tai Chi routine designed for space exercise. In 2013, Wang Yaping was the second Chinese woman to visit the station. 如果天宮一號在墜落過程中打到人,誰該為此負責?國際上在1972年制訂了規則。1978年,一枚蘇聯衛星從加拿大上空墜落,並釋放大量的核廢料。根據上述國際規則,發射該枚衛星的前蘇聯必須為此負責。因此,如果天宮一號在墜落過程中釀災,中國必須承擔責任。天宮一號的太空任務僅為期6年半,但對中國國家航天局來說, 此項任務重大。2012 年,中國第一位女性太空人劉洋登上天宮一號,完成醫學實驗後,她在太空站裡打了一套為太空人量身設計的太極拳。隔年,中國第二位女性太空人王亞平也登上了天宮一號。道地說英語OVER THE MOON 飄飄欲仙When you’re very happy, you feel light. Maybe you feel so light that you could jump over the moon!心裡洋溢幸福時,你會感覺自己飄飄欲仙,似乎用腳輕輕一蹬,就能飛越月球。SPACE OUT 腦袋放空Are you distracted or lost in your own thoughts? Then you’re spacing out—just don’t let the teacher catch you!不管你是分神還是晃神,都是在spacing out, 亦即腦袋放空。如果是這樣,小心別被老師抓到。專題企畫、中文翻譯╱朱立群英文撰稿╱Sloan Sabbith(本文轉載自【新一代兒童週報】034期)
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